B2B Commerce Organization

Note: Spartacus 3.x is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version.

Note: Spartacus 3.x was tested with SAP Commerce Cloud versions 1905 to 2105. Spartacus 3.x has not been verified to work with (and is not guaranteed to work with) SAP Commerce Cloud 2211 or later releases.

Note: This feature is introduced with version 3.0 of the Spartacus libraries.

B2B Commerce Organization for Spartacus allows companies to manage purchases made through a Spartacus commerce web site.

The following sections describe how to customize and configure the Spartacus Organization feature library. For information about using B2B Commerce Organization in Spartacus, see B2B Commerce Organization Tutorial.

For in-depth information on this feature, see Commerce Organization on the SAP Help Portal.

Table of Contents


B2B Commerce Organization requires the Organization feature library. For more information, see Installing Additional Spartacus Libraries.

Customizing Routes

A number of default routes are defined for B2B Commerce Organization. You can see the routes in the config.ts files of the following components:

  • budget
  • cost-center
  • permission (also known as purchase limits)
  • unit
  • user
  • user-group

For example, the routes for budgets are defined in feature-libs/organization/administration/components/budget/budget.config.ts.

You can override these routes, as shown in the following example:

imports: [
  // ...
    // ...
    routing: {
      routes: {
        orgBudgetCreate: {
          paths: ['organization/budgets/custom-create'],
  // ...

For more information on overriding routes, see Route Configuration.

Customizing CMS Components

In the Organization library, you can override the following CMS components:

  • ManageBudgetsListComponent
  • ManageCostCentersListComponent
  • ManagePermissionsListComponent
  • ManageUnitsListComponent
  • ManageUsersListComponent
  • ManageUserGroupsListComponent

The following is an example:

imports: [
  // ...
    // ...
    cmsComponents: {
      ManageBudgetsListComponent: {
        // ...
        childRoutes: {
          children: [
              path: 'custom-create',
              component: MyFormComponent,
            // ...
        // ...

All of the list components in the Organization library use split view, which means all the components inside the split view component are ordered in a nested hierarchy. As a result, even small changes require overwriting the entire configuration. For more information, see Split View Component.

For more information on overriding CMS configurations, see Customizing CMS Components.

Customizing Table Configurations

All of the table configurations in the Organization library are listed in the OrganizationTableType enum in feature-libs/organization/administration/components/shared/organization.model.ts.

You can override any of these table configurations, as shown in the following example, which overrides the name cell in the orgBudget table with a previously prepared MyComponent data component:

export const myTableConfig: TableConfig = {
  table: {
    [OrganizationTableType.BUDGET]: {
      options: {
        cells: {
          name: {
            dataComponent: MyComponent,

Now you can add the configuration to your providers list. The following is an example:

providers: [

For more information, see Table Component.

Cell Components

Several implementations of CellComponent have been defined in the Organization library that apply to tables and subtables, as follows:

  • ToggleLinkCellComponent allows toggling of branches on the units list and sets styles for the depth level
  • AssignCellComponent is used to allow assigning or unassigning of items
  • ActiveLinkCellComponent displays the name and makes the whole row into a link
  • AmountCellComponent displays the budget combined with the currency
  • DateRangeCellComponent displays the combined start and end date for budget
  • LimitCellComponent shows the purchase limit, depending on orderApprovalPermissionType
  • RolesCellComponent displays user roles in a specified way
  • StatusCellComponent is used for displaying the colorable status of an active flag
  • UnitCellComponent displays information about the unit of the current item
  • LinkCellComponent provides a link for nested views (such as address)
  • UnitUserRolesCellComponent is a personalized link for the open roles view

Local Message Component

Messages in the Organization library similarly to global messages, but are displayed directly in the component of the subject they are related to. For normal cases, Spartacus uses NotificationMessageComponent to display information about the success or failure of an action. The ConfirmationMessageComponent is designed to ask a question that ensures users are aware of any consequences that may result from their actions. The ConfirmationMessageComponent is used in the ToggleStatusComponent and DeleteItemComponent, for example.


Spartacus provides an AdminGuard that verifies that a logged-in user has permissions to see the commerce organization pages. By default, the guard redirects to the organization home page and displays a warning message.

For more information on guards, see Guarding Components.


The following core models are used in the Organization library:

  • Address
  • Currency
  • B2BApprovalProcess
  • B2BUserRole
  • OrderApprovalPermissionType

The following core models are used for structure:

  • ListModel
  • SearchConfig
  • StateUtils

The models are augmented from core models:

  • B2BUnit
  • B2BUser
  • CostCenter

The following are dedicated models for the Organization library:

  • B2BUnitNode
  • Budget
  • Permission
  • Period
  • UserGroup

The following models are use for processes:

  • LoadStatus
  • OrganizationItemStatus

The following model is used for components:

  • B2BUnitTreeNode


You can see all the endpoints that the Organization library makes use of in feature-libs/organization/administration/occ/config/default-occ-organization-config.ts.

For more information, see Configuring Endpoints.


The following adapters are used in the Organization library:

  • BudgetAdapter
  • OrgUnitAdapter
  • UserGroupAdapter
  • PermissionAdapter
  • CostCenterAdapter
  • B2BUserAdapter

For more information, see Adapter


The Organization library uses the following core serializers:


The following are serializers in the Organization library:


The Organization library uses the following core normalizers:


The following are normalizers in the Organization library:


For more information, see Converter.


The following are standard behaviors in the Organization library:

  • Every PATCH and POST action cleans the entire state of the Organization library to ensure that Spartacus always has data that is up-to-date.
  • Components and their services have the responsibility of routing redirects.
  • In facades, Spartacus tries to load data only if the data were not already loaded.

The following are exceptions:

  • Spartacus avoids cleaning users list when an approver is assigned or unassigned for a user. This is to avoid a race condition in split view.
  • The ID is missing when a user is being created, and as a result, some routing redirects are applied directly in effects.

Spartacus stores everything related to Organization in entities and lists of IDs separately. Associated data for a subsection is stored with its own feature, but for specific views, Spartacus uses a combination of ID and query parameters to store a list of IDs and other information.

You can see how this is implemented in Spartacus in feature-libs/organization/administration/core/store/organization-state.ts.

The following is an example of the user group structure:

        entities: {edited-entity-a33xc5fnn: {}, edited-entity-xi4yvmatz: {}, edited-entity-f88ca37gt: {}, edited-entity-cfew7374i: {}, edited-entity-jjajzn4na: {}, }
                error: false
                loading: false
                success: true
                value: {ids: Array<String>(10), pagination: {}, sorts: Array(3)}
            edited-entity-a33xc5fnn?pageSize=10&currentPage=&sort=: {loading: false, error: false, success: true, value: {}}
            edited-entity-a33xc5fnn?pageSize=2147483647&currentPage=&sort=: {loading: false, error: false, success: true, value: {}}
            edited-entity-a33xc5fnn?pageSize=10&currentPage=&sort=: {loading: false, error: false, success: true, value: {}}
            edited-entity-a33xc5fnn?pageSize=2147483647&currentPage=&sort=: {loading: false, error: false, success: true, value: {}}

The various elements in the structure are described as follows:

  • entities stores real user group objects, which are key mapped to status flags and values
  • list stores a list of user groups IDs for specified pages, with keys based on query parameters, such as pagination and sorts
  • customers stores IDs for a subsection, with keys based on the ID of the user group and query parameters
  • permisions stores IDs for a subsection, with keys based on the ID of the user group and query parameters
  • pageSize=2147483647 indicates that Spartacus fetches all possible items, up to the maximum safe Java integer

For more information, see Loader Meta Reducer.


The Organization homepage contains a set of links that allow users to access all of the My Company functionality.

All of the links on the Organization homepage correspond to standard banner components that are created in the back end.

Adding a New Banner

The easiest way to add new links to the Organization homepage is to create a new Banner Component in Backoffice, as follows:

  1. Log in to Backoffice as an administrator.

  2. In the left sidebar of Backoffice, select WCMS, and then Component.

    A list of components is displayed.

  3. Above the list of components, click on the down-arrow next to the plus (+) icon, select Abstract Banner Component, and then Banner Component.

    The Create New Banner Component dialog is displayed.

  4. Select the Catalog Version, provide an ID in the ID field, and then click Done.

  5. Select the new component.

    It should appear at the top of the Components list, but you may have to refresh the view before it appears (for example, you could click on any other entry in the Backoffice navigation sidebar, and then return to Components).

  6. Once you have selected your new component, click on the Administration tab.

  7. In the Unbound section of the Administration tab, fill in the following fields:

    • Headline is title of the link.
    • Content is the text displayed below link title.
    • Media is a reference to a specific media object that has been added to the media library. In this case, it is used to define a banner icon. For more information, see Adding a Custom Icon, below.
    • URL link is the target URL address.
  8. Click the Content Slots tab and select My Company Slot.

    This allows you display the new banner by assigning it to an appropriate content slot.

Hiding a Banner

The easiest way to hide a banner is to set the component visibility to False in Backoffice, as follows:

  1. Log in to Backoffice as an administrator.

  2. In the left sidebar of Backoffice, select WCMS, and then Component.

    A list of components is displayed.

  3. Select the banner component assigned to My Company Slot that you want to hide.

  4. Click the Properties tab and set the Visible radio button to False.

Adding a Custom Icon

You can upload any image file and use it as an icon in the banner link, as follows:

  1. Log in to Backoffice as an administrator.

  2. In the left sidebar of Backoffice, select Multimedia, and then Media.

  3. Click the plus (+) icon.

    The Create New Media dialog appears.

  4. Fill in the Identifier field, specify a Catalog version, and then click Next.

    You now see the Content: Upload media content step.

  5. Upload the image you want to use, click Next if you want to define additional properties, then click Done.

    When you are creating a new banner, you can now select this image in the Media field to use as an icon in the banner link, as described in Adding a New Banner, above.


If you want to override the default Organization styles, first ensure that the organization.scss file is generated properly by schematics, or else you can add your own. Your angular.json file should include the following path in the build styles:

"styles": [

In src/styles/spartacus/organization.scss, you should import the Organization styles, and then you can add your own styles below. The following is an example:

@import "@spartacus/organization";

// Your custom styles
%organizationList {
    cx-org-toggle-link-cell {
        button.tree-item-toggle {
            background-color: blue;

For more information, see Component Styles.


Organization translation resources can be overridden following the same rules as for other Spartacus chunks. The following is an example:

  i18n: {
    resources: organizationTranslations,
    chunks: organizationTranslationChunksConfig,
  i18n: {
    resources: {
      en: {
        organization: {
          organization: { // general chunks
            enabled: 'Enabled',
          orgUserGroup: { // specified sub-feature chunks
            header: 'List of user groups ({{count}})',

For more information, see Extending Translations.